Then there are the odd cases, many of which I wind up not taking that give a somewhat disturbing snapshot of on what is going on in society. As the narrator of the old- time radio show “The Whistler” said in the intro of each episode “I know many strange tales hidden in the hearts of men and women who have stepped into the shadows”.
The point of this is that while I certainly have not seen everything, I have seen a lot over the years. Enough to recognize when someone is about to make a huge mistake. Such was the case in a tale of two roommates. These two ladies in their twenties were involved in an automobile accident, both were in the same car. The other car caused the accident. Both sustained similar injuries and incurred similar medical expenses. The value of their cases was very similar. One hired a lawyer. The other was going to hire a lawyer but was pressured by her boss not to do so.
What caused the boss to interfere with his employee’s legal representation is unknown. Perhaps he legitimately was trying to protect her interest. Perhaps he had a bad experience with the law and hated lawyers. Or perhaps his ego kicked in and he wanted to impress her with his profound wisdom. I will never know. Regardless of the motives, the outcome was predictable. Any experienced lawyer could have seen the train wreck that was about to happen from a thousand yards away. Relying on the sage advice of her boss, this young lady settled her case for a fraction of what it was worth. She settled it quickly and was content with the result until her roommate settled her case a couple of months later.
You see her independent minded roommate who hired a lawyer fared much better. She put an extra $10,000 in net proceeds into her pocket after her lawyer was paid. Her shortchanged friend was left saying “I should have, could have, would have” and regrets her decision not to seek legal counsel. Thus concludes the cautionary tale of two roommates. Be careful who you take advice from.
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